These are notes I made during the 2020-06-22 workshop. They are very brief due to a real-time nature of note-making.

The video recording of the workshop is available here: Link TBA

From Vague thoughts to clear action - workshop notes

Introduction, terminology




What is Effective action :


Method: ““Deliberate procrastination”” where you set your mind to a creative process, but also consciously do something else, e.g. laundry. Deliberate is the keyword that makes this to work. Then, typing down the final thing takes short time.

Method: When the completed work is poor, submit it anyway. Understand that the mistakes made are what the work was about: You have learned, hence, the benefit is obtained.

Strategies to deal with procrastination

  1. Develop awareness – that this is happening.

  2. Challenge the P-A-W beliefs (pefromance–ability–worth)

  3. Tip the balance: avoidance motives vs approach motives

ad. 1.

  1. Knowledge of the self-worth theory and its dynamic
  2. Awarenes of thoughts and detachement from them -> “Defusion”(technique).
    • Thinking self vs Observing self – two persons.
  3. Awareness of feelings (rather than avoidance) -> Expansion(technique) : “Give room for the feeling to be there”
    1. Say: “I don’t like it, but I have space for it”
    2. Say: “It is unconfortable, but I can accept it”
    3. Give space, accept the feeling, do not fight it,

When noting a thought: ask: is this helpfull?


Think e.g. “I am X”

then: “I notice that I think that I am X”

Then: “Is it helpfull that I think that I am X”

Book: “Happiness trap” by (??)

Ad.2. : Challenge P-A-W beliefs:

believe this: ability is what it is, and then effort that is the prominent component to performance.

ability*effort = performance, where effort has more weight.

“I Can get smarter”: Effort “makes me stronger” -> higher achievement.

Ad.3. : Tip the balance::

move towards Approach motives rather than Avoidance Motives.

The “Ultimate time management system”


  1. Any task, idea, e.t.c.must immediately go to the collection list – so that you do not need to think about it again.
  2. After moving away from collection list - refine what the card says.
  3. Have an action ready for each project in project list
  4. Have a daily and weekly review
    1. Daily: At the end of the day, empy the collection list
    2. Weekly:
      1. Are projects on track?
      2. Review all the cards.
        1. Remove things from someday/maybe – keep the lists lean, realistic, achievable

Discussion: From now on: what is the one thing that I am going to be doing differently?

For me: In the daily, make a link to the trello, and try trello for 1-2-3 months

Remember about the problem of high motivation - unbalance the desire to success and fear of failure

Remember of the intention

When designing calendar:

remember the expansion: Feeling: it’s uncomfortable, but I have space for it, I can accept it.

The concept of momentum: For each project, do at least something (little) every week. It is more important to be consistent than how much you do; it is easier to keep a constant pace than sprint-stop-sprint-stop. This way you keep the momentum.

Also, this enables the practice of task-switching and practices not resetting the stack.

It also enables use of “Accountancy partner” - someone that you talk to in regular periods.

Typically, we overestimate what can be done in the day, and underestimate what can be done in long term.

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